
At some point or another, your razor is bound to become clogged with debris, dead skin cells, shaving products, and hair. Learning how to clean a razor blade can provide a smoother, gentler shave that will reduce the chances of skin irritation while giving you a well-groomed look. In this guide, I'll go over how to clean a standard disposable razor and an electric razor. But regardless of what style of razor you have, it's important that the blades always remain free of debris, gunk, shaving products, and hair. A dirty blade is not only unsanitary, but it can also lead to nicks, cuts, and a rough shave. By using the cleaning tips in this guide, you'll enjoy a smoother, cleaner shave, while avoiding skin issues that are common when you shave with a dirty blade.

Cleaning a Standard Disposable Razor

The first step in cleaning your razor is getting rid of any build-up and debris. To do, you'll remove the blade, holding the head of the razor underwater. The point of this is to focus on cleaning the back of the head in order to ensure that any gunk is removed. Next, rotate the blade in order to remove any clogged hair or shaving products. In some cases, rinsing the blade head is enough to clean it.


If you've tried running it underwater but a clog still remains, tap it on the side of the sink in order to attempt to remove the gunk. However, avoid using too much force since this can ruin the razor.


Shaving cream

Having a brush to clean out your razor is essential since a brush is able to easily reach spots of the blade that the water is not. If you've rinsed out the razor but there is still dried on debris remaining, then take a brush and use it to deep clean any inaccessible areas. If a razor you purchased didn't come with a brush, you should be able to easily order one online. Another option is to use an old toothbrush to reach any stubborn spots on the razor.

Dry it Thoroughly

Avoid using a razor that you've just cleaned. Doing so allows the blade to hold and catch hair easily. Before shaving ensure that the blade is completely dry. It's also important to make sure that your blades are dried thoroughly in order to avoid rust which can not only cause the blade to nick the skin, but it can also lead to an infection.

Sterilizing the Blade

Sterilizing a blade is crucial since it will protect and preserve the blade. To do, you'll use rubbing alcohol which has antibacterial properties that will make the blade safe for use. Another option is using white wine vinegar instead of rubbing alcohol. To do, you'll dip the blade in the vinegar alcohol and allowed it to soak for 5 to 10 minutes.

Regular Maintenance

Are you guilty of never cleaning your razor? Some men only clean the razor once a month, however, this is a bad habit you'll want to avoid. Cleaning your razor thoroughly after each use is the best way to get rid of clogs, hair, and dried on shaving products. Additionally, cleaning your blade regularly will increase its lifespan.

Proper Storage

The blade should be kept in a clean environment in an easy to access place that's dry and not susceptible to moisture. Avoid leaving your razor on the edge of the sink since it can come into contact with soap and bacteria. Once you're done with using a razor wipe it down and dry it thoroughly and store it.

Rusty Blades

If you notice any rust on the blades, then it's time to ditch the razor. A rusty blade can expose you to infection and will leave your face susceptible to nicks and cuts.

So, how often should you replace the blades? Some people will replace the plates as frequently as every week since this will ensure a cleaner, smoother shave. It will also reduce the risk of skin infections caused by a dull rusty blade. How often you will replace the blades will depend on how thick and coarse your hair is and how often you shave.

Deep Clean

In some cases, wiping down the blade and rinsing it off isn't enough. You'll need to take some extra steps to ensure your razor is in good condition and ready for a shave. You can try to deep clean your blade by wiping each component down thoroughly, allowing each part to dry separately before reassembling.

Cleaning an Electric Razor

Man cleans electric razor

If the electric razor you purchase doesn't come with its own cleaning station, then you'll need to take on the task yourself. Fortunately, these razors are very easy to clean but they must be they may need to be cleaned on a regular basis in order to ensure optimal performance and toprolong its life.

  • The first step is removing the shaving head and gently tapping the plastic frame on the edge of a countertop or sink to get rid of any hair. Avoid hitting the foils on a hard surface since it can be damaged very easily.
  • If you have a rotary shaver, some models will come with a front part of the shaving unit attached by a hinge. Other models will have the shaving unit friction fitted so they must be removed entirely.
  • The next step is applying water to the shaving head, then using a few drops of liquid soap over the combs or foils.
  • Switch on the razor in order to lather up the soap. The goal here is to have the soap lather up quickly in order to coat the head and foils of the razor.
  • With the shaver still running rinse the head off using hot water. Doing so can help to remove any remaining hair clippings and most of the foam.
  • Now, switch the razor off and remove the shaving head to rinse it out thoroughly.
  • If you have a rotary razor than you'll need to remove or open the top portion of the shaving unit and rinse it.
  • Shake off any excess water, patting the razor head dry using a clean cloth. Allow it to sit out to air-dry.
  • It's crucial that you allow the foils and plates to dry thoroughly before putting the razor back together and storing it. Not doing so will allow any remaining water to sit on the blades which can result in rust.

Other Razor Tips

  • Always use hot water when you're shaving. Hot water removes debris from the blade and can allow you to achieve a smoother shave. The heat helps to loosen up the debris and leaves your razor nice and clean.
  • Always rinse your blade before you shave. Rinsing it will help to get rid of any debris or bacteria on the blades. Additionally, rinsing it will activate lubrication which will provide a smoother shave, which can prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Avoid using the same blade for more than a week or two, depending on how often you shave. In most cases, the standard rule is 10 shaves per blade. However, if the blade appears dull before this time, then replace it immediately. You should also replace the blade if you notice any rust.
  • A razor should always be stored upright and in a dry area. Avoid tucking your blade in a musty medicine cabinet on its side. Instead, it should be stored in an open area in an upright position. This will provide sufficient ventilation which is needed in order for the blades to dry out thoroughly. Storing it in a humid, or musty environment will lead to rust development. Remember, moist environments are a breeding ground for bacteria. Storing it in a dry area will minimize that risk.

Final Thoughts

If you've ever used a dirty blade, then you probably had a tough time shaving and you may have even ended up with some serious razor bumps or cuts. This is why razor maintenance is so important. Learning how to clean your razor can prevent skin irritation such as razor burn, redness, and inflammation, you can also reduce the risk of nicks and cuts. If you want a smoother, cleaner, more comfortable shave, than regular blade maintenance is a must. This will include cleaning a razor immediately after use, storing it correctly, replacing the blade when you notice rust on the surface, and knowing when it's time to replace the blade. By following the steps in this guide you'll ensure your razor will give you that fast, smooth, silky shave your skin deserves.